Play a match against an opponent 1 on 1.
The objective of 1vs1 Matches is to get more points than your opponent within 1m 30s.
Hit home runs and other objects to acquire as many points as you can in realtime.
Acquring points will fill up your point gauge bar while depleting your opponent's.
Likewise, your opponent can deplete your gauge bar as well.
If the gauge bar becomes fully depleted for either player, this will end the match earlier than the allotted time.
When both opponents end up with the same score at the end of the match, the result will show as a loss for both players.
However, the entry fee will be returned to both players (but no winnings).
Additionally, there will be no deduction of trophies nor matchmaking points.
You can win or lose trophies depending on the outcome of the 1vs1 Match.
Accumulating trophies will unlock higher level stadiums.